Slim BIM: The Middle Ground between Document and Service Part 2
In my last post, introduced Slim BIM and the critical need for shared configuration to speed development in the building systems. This post extends that conversation.
A report from NREL, delivered last Spring, defined the Building Service Interface (BSI), a standard for interacting with building systems from non-building applications. That report recommended that each BSI be able to share a light-weight BIM, i.e., ...
Slim BIM: The Middle Ground between Document and Service Part 1
Using COBIE as an integration interface
At the meeting of the NIBS FMOC in Baltimore this spring, challenges in expanding the use of COBIE were again at center stage. The National Institute of Building Science (NIBS) is a public-private partnership to advance the identification and resolution of problems and potential problems that hamper the construction of safe, affordable structures. In recent years, one NIBS committee has led efforts to develop a national building information models standard (NBIMS). NBIMS is more than technology, and concerns far more than a 3D building model; BIM it is the basis for re-engineering the processes used in facility design and construction.
The Facilities Maintenance and Operations Committee (FMOC) of NIBS promulgates best practices in building operations. BIM has traditionally focused on initial building cost. Initial cost, though, is only 15 to 20%...