Architectural Principals of Transactive Energy
Transactive energy describes a pattern of integration where parties exchange the value or a commodity resource [power] over time and make forward commitments to sell or purchase that commodity. The Common Transactive Services (CTS) can be used in central auction-type systems, where a single entity announces or broadcasts prices or in markets were two or more parties come to a mutual agreement on price and delivery.
All forward transactions are committed, that is one party commits...
Independence of Services provided by Transactive Energy Nodes
Service Oriented Scheduling - Background Q&A
I received some very good feedback and questions on the first two parts of the Service Oriented Scheduling series (SOS). In particular, there were questions the relationship between EMIX and WS-Calendar, about the difficulty of creating Calendar artifacts, and about some elements that have been missing from traditional Calendar communications. In this post, I will try to address these.