Bootstrapping Smart Energy
What follows are personal musings as we enter public review 02 of OASIS ENergy Interoperation. THis part of the specification is not feature-complete and approved by the technical committee.
Energy Interoperation is nearly complete. The OpenADR Alliance will build an industry around the event oriented profiles of Energy Interoperation. New business models and new interactions will spring from the transactive profile, TEMIX. We now have market interfaces for smart energy. The largest problem that remains is finding the market.
Smart Energy: Some references and guideposts for Implementers
Some References and Links
I know it is hard to keep up with the specifications and changes; I can barely keep up and I am putting the smart grids specifications out there. What follows is a brief summary of the road to OpenADR 2.0.
OpenADR 1.0 is out of date.
OpenADR 2.0 is almost here. It relies on the joint work of xcal/ws-calendar for its time/schedule communications. This work was done in joint effort by an IETF-centered group (CalConnect) and by OASIS
In the IETF:
- RFC5545 B. Desruisseaux Internet Calendaring and Scheduling Core Object Specification (iCalendar),, IETF RFC5545, proposed standard, September 2009
- CalendarResource C. Joy, C. Daboo, M Douglass, Schema for representing resources for calendaring and scheduling services,, (Internet-Draft), November 2010.
- FreeBusy E York. Freebusy read URL,, April 2009
- RFC5546 C. Daboo iCalendar Transport-Independent Interoperability Protocol (iTIP),, IETF RFC5546, proposed standard, December 2009.
- Vavailability C. Daboo, B. Desruisseaux, Calendar Availability,, IETF Internet Draft, April 2011
- xCal C. Daboo, M Douglass, S Lees xCal: The XML format for iCalendar,, IETF Internet-Draft, April 2011.
Standard schemas for the above can be found in the namespace document of the current Public Review of WS-Calendar (ends on the 14th)
There are open-source implementations using these specs. VAVAILABILITY is only a draft in the IETF, but we rely heavily on it in EMIX and Energy Interoperation. If you are using communications tied to smart energy or to facility use, I reccommend that you read that specification.
For describing product, price, and market terms, Energy Market Information Exchange is used. As so much of EMIX is communication of schedule, it relies heavily on WS-Calendar conformance. This specification is also out for public review, until the 26th.
OpenADR 2.0 is a profile of Energy Interoperation. That specification is soon out for Public Review. You can find “pre-review” versions at:
One thing that the work lacks is discovery. EnergyInterop is designed to be recursive, so a utility or aggregator might expose a VEN interface up to the wholesale market, while exposing a VTN surface down to the home, office, industrial site, or microgrid. Each of those exposes a VEN on the outside; each may, in turn, choose to use EI internally, with a VTN communicating with numerous VENs.
Some interesting work is attempting to extend the model of OpenADR/Energy interoperation down to appliances and devices. This will place a greater premium on Discovery.
In Committee, we have talked some about WS-DD as a possible mode, but have not gone beyond the simplest discussion.
Efficiency, Resilience, and Smart Energy
Far too many of the presentations at Connectivity Week last month touted building efficiency. Efficiency is important to Smart Energy, but can also work to defeat Smart Energy. Resilience is ultimately more important than efficiency for meeting the goals of Smart Energy. What energy efficiency can do, is support energy resilience.
A Smart Grid is one that can work despite...