They're back

There have been signs for days, but we see a few signs most springs. On Wednesday there were a few in the driveway, but Wednesday it had turned cold. Thursday, they I just saw smaller pieces of the ones I saw the day before. There was still no sign of them this morning, when I went in to town and the farmer’s market. When I got home, though, it was certain. They’re back.

This is now a cicada swarm year in central North Carolina.

Cicada’s are the sound of the south in summer, my mind. On a hot evening in the summer, they buzz in the trees. You can hear them individually, one in that tree, two over there. So-called annual cicada are an every year event, with life cycles of two or three years, they make their appearance every summer, and it lasts all summer.

In the dog days, in the South, the evening air envelopes and caresses you, a thick sensuous mélange, part steam bath, part scents of the honeysuckle and the night blooming nicotiania. Fireflies do their mating dance, the males rising off the lawn flashing until as the females beacon them back down. Dog-day cicada’s are just a part of the enveloping warmth, not really separate, as candlelight might be part of a warm bath, separate, but inseparable when present.

These are not dog-day cicadas, today.

Periodic cicadas com earlier in the year, and they are pitiable creatures. They are slow, they are fat, they are the junk food of the avian world, and no bird can eat just one. They crawl out of the ground, and slowly up the trees, calling for a mate. That slow crawl, and that long mating song means that they cannot hide.

And yet, as slow as they are, as defenseless as they are, they are fashion plates. The have large eyes might be black or bright red., depending on the swarm. They have large iridescent wings, although I never see them fly. It’s a wonder that any survive the one or two days that they are above ground to reproduce.

What these guys do do, is they overwhelm the predators. Because the cicadas do not come every year, the birds do not, cannot, count on them. So many come at once that they overwhelm the ability of the birds to eat them. Nut trees do the same, as they have evolved for good years and bad years so some will escape the squirrels (and others). Nut trees will even communicate chemically at a distance, to align those good years and bad years; this reproduction strategy requires the whole community to participate. But good years for nut trees are not as distinctive as a good swarm of cicadas.

This afternoon, when I returned, it sounded first like the biggest motorcycle rally ever, still miles away, but revving over the hills. One year, I thought that a long threatened development along the river had started, and that dozens of caterpillar bulldozers must be re-arranging the woods. Today, after all the rough weather we have had, it sounds like a tornado, a couple miles away.

Up close, at the edge of the yard, the sound is the same as on a summer’s eve, with individuals calling from the trees. The swarm, though, now that is an eerie sound that does not let up. Yes, they’re back.

Profiling ICalendar for Transactions

The WS-Calendar specification, soon finishing its second public review, is semantically rich and supports lots of historical complexity while being designed for further extensibility. It is readily backward compatible with all existing calendar applications. The remaining problem is that this optionality, this diversity, can make it difficult to validate information exchanges for specific purposes. Today in meeting, we discussed the approaches to developing profiles of WS-Calendar for use in specific interfaces, say, those between enterprise and building systems, or in high-speed transactions such as in smart market interactions.

The iCalendar specification itself is only loosely bound with minimal validations. A Structural validation of the incoming XML is not enough to assure its suitability for a particular purpose. Additional code is required to augment schema checks with additional required validations. These validations serve to prevent errors when the data is received by applications or components that expect the information to comply with business content validation rules. If the validation rules are written in code, they are likely to be inside the application. Rules in the application are less likely to be shared. We need common, shared validation rules.

We have three approaches on the table.

In one approach, we declare the work, with all its optionality, to date to be a Platform Specific Model (PSM). Underlying this PSM is a not yet defined Platform Independent Model (PIM). The PIM defines minimal information exchanges that must be common to all conforming specifications. The PIM and the PSM are both expressed in UML, and through the UML, we can recognize the alignments we need to define simple XML transformations (XSLT) between PIM-compliant exchanges. Bill Cox has been exploring this approach.

Another approach is to build on Content Assembly Mechanisms (CAM) to define a schema dictionary that defines the restrictions. CAM can then create the schemas we need from merging the application and the base or full schema. This is yet another application, but it is open source and the approach is being standardized in OASIS and on SourceForge.

Yet another approach is the profiling done by GML to restrict geospatial schemas for individual spaces. This appears to use some sort of substitution schema files, but I cannot say yet whether that is all they are doing.

Forget Efficiency and Demand Response, Load Bank for the Grid

All the Smart Grid attention is on Demand Response, that is, on the half dozen times a year when the grid runs out of energy or has to turn to expensive energy sources. All the building attention is on efficiency, using the least energy inside the building possible. Neither approach supports renewables, or distributed energy resources. Efficiency may reduce the ability to respond to Demand Response signals. Buildings should turn to...

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Smart Energy in Industry: Introducing MRP4

Last week, I spoke at the Department of Energy’s Industry to Grid (I2G) Summit, a pre-meeting of the ARC World Industrial Forum. For me, it felt like something of a homecoming. Several careers ago, my biggest customers were manufacturers. In the late 70’s, popular imagination held US manufacturing to be dead, poorly managed and low quality. In a famous Newsweek article, a celebrity athlete boasted of a summer in the UAW, during which he deliberately added rattles to pass the time. As often happens, a renaissance had begun some years before public perception hit bottom.

As a young programmer, I was working with companies trying to improve quality while...

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