Making Smart Energy Less Exceptional

Yesterday, I presented the NIST B2G (Building to Grid) group with a proposal to simplify integration within buildings and between buildings and the grid by relaying on existing well-defined, and well known web services standards. The feedback was surprisingly positive. Now I have to consider how to get it into the Energy Interoperation specification.

Energy Interoperation was conceived of as the market and situation awareness gateway for...

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Converging with the Internet of Things

Service integration is coming to the world of Calendars. Calendars are coming to the Internet of Things. These two trends have the potential to open up whole new classes of easy integration in buildings and in personal devices. This integration got its initial acceleration from the needs of smart energy. The long term reach, though, is much farther.

Traditional e-calendars are store, copy, and forward messages. There are five copies of a meeting for five...

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BSI Part 3: The Metadata Problem

Metadata refers to information about data. While control systems for buildings can offer up an impressive amount of data, it takes far too much effort to figure out what it means. In a medium-sized commercial building, tens of thousands of points can take a month to unravel before useful integration with the businesses and lives of the people who occupy those buildings is possible. Throughout all the integrator must...

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BSI Part 2: What is the Building System Interface?

After the ASHRAE meetings, and during the AHR conference, several of us are getting together to discuss building system metadata. The goal is to define interfaces to support quick fast integrations of building systems into the wider world. This is the second of several posts describing this interface. Drop me a line or watch for announcements from LONmark if you want to join us for discussion.

To be enterprise ready, the BSI must include discovery. Building systems, virtual meters for plug-load, and appliances should be discoverable using WS-Device Discovery. Common system metadata, the same that describes...

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