A significant wedge between those seeking to maintain the current regulated prices accompanied by DR and those looking to move to transactive energy for a self-regulating grid is the notion that retail customers are all mere price takers. A price taker watches the market and either buys or does not buy; he takes the prices the market offers. Some see that this “lack of power” can only be addressed by regulating the prices offered. This leads back to today’s model...
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Engineering information is document oriented. Large documents, even sheaths of documents, are exchanged, specifying in great detail exactly what to do, and how to do it. Modern IT (Information Technology) is based on Services. Service exchanges are minimal, as small as can specify results, and do not specify the means of execution at all. For the last 50 years, IT has moved far faster than have engineered system, the things we can touch, inhabit, or ride around in. For the next 50 years, when engineered systems will need to evolve as fast as IT has for the last 50, we will need a middle ground, between document and service call. This is the challenge of configuration, shared configuration that will enable big systems to interact as nimbly as does IT does today....
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