An Evolutionary Composite Services Framework for Energy

Future energy systems must not only support interoperability on operational, e-commerce, and security levels, but they must do so against a background of innovation. New technologies will arrive from innovators who are not traditional energy participants; it must be easy for these innovators to introduce their products and easy to integrate these products into the intelligent grid.

New business models, especially support for distributed generation and the hybrid technologies such as the zero net energy building, will demand new interfaces. These business models require symmetry, with each participant both a buyer and a seller of energy. Cost effective local energy storage will create new interaction patterns that we cannot know until we create the incentives that encourage market adoption. One thing is certain, the interface between the intelligent grid and buildings and industry will be different tomorrow, than it is today, and different still in another year.

Electric cars will have a significant position in our society far before we have worked out the market mechanics. The market mechanisms will extend beyond the simplistic “all cars will charge only in the middle of the night” to support on-demand rapid charging and selling stored energy back to the local home, business, or utility. The final market must support social scenarios such as holiday travel and new businesses such as the renewable energy parking deck. Again, we will face rapidly evolving interfaces for the near future.

We can most easily meet these challenges by creating a composite framework that supports diversity. These services will support the different types of business interactions surrounding the intelligent grid. These include but are not limited to:

  • E-Commerce services to define the two-way buying and selling of power
  • Capability and Capacity services to negotiate how much power is available at what quality irrespective of the underlying technology.
  • Weather and similar services provide situation awareness to buildings and grid operators. Weather is critical to predicting energy consumption as well as to predicting renewable energy generation capacity. Situation is awareness is just as important to building and industry participants in new energy as it is to central generation and transmission facilities.
  • Tariff and Regulatory interfaces, whether for long transmission, or for carbon negotiations, will guide energy markets beyond mere electrons.
  • Security Services to control operations and protect privacy.
  • Safety Services to provide situation awareness to linesman responding in emergency and other scenarios.
  • Operations Services, supporting either third party operation of site-based generation capacity, or site-generation as a forward deployed utility asset.

Each of these seven interfaces will evolve over time. A user of one service may care little about another. As services become the basis for system-to-system interactions, keeping each service separate simplifies interaction patterns so each can evolve rapidly.

Rapid evolution and deployment are critical to new energy plans, particularly if we are to meet ambitious goals for more renewable energy, more distributed generation, and more electric cars. E-commerce and Security services can be based upon existing IT standards. Operational Services, where appropriate, can be based upon existing standards for substation operations. Weather services can be developed in different venues through the work, perhaps, of NOAA (the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration). Composite services will speed the development and deployment of the smart grid.

Composite services will also disconnect the different business processes from changes in other areas. Each business process is concerned with only a single service on its partners. As that service definition evolves over time, newer system will need to interoperate with version-based diversity within domain, rather than in all domains.

Energy systems are big infrastructure. Big infrastructure lasts for a long time and touches many things. Scale introduces diversity if installation. Innovation introduces diversity of interaction. Long life introduces diversity of versions. An Evolutionary Composite Services Framework provides the best platform for providing function and performance despite these three sources of diversity.