Data Center
Big Data, Buildings, and the Internet of Things
Big Data is the hot new buzz-phrase for something that buildings system integrators have long struggled with. Last Thursday (3/29), the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) launched its public initiative on big data for government, the Big Data Research and Development Initiative.
The purpose of big data is to support analytics, that is the massive...
Smart Operations are a necessary part of Smart Energy. Maybe GBXML is, too.
It is easy to think we are playing the end game, but we are really working on the early stages of smart energy.
Smart grids may end at the edges of the grid, they may know no bounds, i.e., ZigBee and SEP, or they may end at the meter. Beyond the meter may be a collection of dumb systems, a minimal collection of defined systems with defined responses, or a micro-grid with its own economy, and own dynamics. I think that every node...