What if you owned an intelligent building?

What if your building could respond to you and your tenants? What if your building could respond to normal business processes, so that a simple invitation to reserve a room on Saturday set the operating rules for the air conditioning and security systems? What if your tenants did not have to hunt down staff to interact with the building? What if a single system could reduce your costs, while offering your tenants higher amenities? What would that be worth to you?

What if you could tell how well your building was operating, without expensive on-site expertise? What if you could eliminate unnecessary maintenance? What if your building could tell you when it needed a filter change, so you never replaced one unnecessarily? What if building system problems were fixed before your tenants knew about them. What would that be worth to you?

What if you could share system operating information with off-site experts who would tell you what to fix before it breaks? What if you could find air conditioning problems in the spring instead of waiting until a hot day in summer? What if by accessing the live energy prices your building saw, every repair recommendation included the energy cost in dollars per week of not making the repair. What if you could always schedule repairs to never have down-time and never inconvenience your tenants. What if your properties became known for this level of service? What would that be worth to you?

What if you could tell your building when the repair contractor is coming? What if your security system could let him in, using his company badge, to just the rooms he needs for the repair? What if your building logged his movements, and the time he arrived and left, for you? What if that log were linked to the original service order? What would that save you, in time, in billings, and in staff?

What if your building could protect itself, and your expensive equipment from the power quality electricity we get from the power company? What if you never had to replace motors in pumps, and in compressors, and elsewhere because they were damaged by the brown-out six months before? What would you save if all your equipment lasted as long as it was designed to last? What would that be worth to you?

What if your building could negotiate with the power company, buying electricity when it was cheapest, and storing it for when it was expensive? What if you could use power storage to ensure that your tenants never had a brown-out, never a black-out? What if you could sell your tenants power that would not damage their computers, not damage their equipment. What if your properties became known for this level of protection? What would that be worth to you?

What if your energy costs could be predictable? What if you could use your ability to store power to disconnect from the grid when conditions were right? What if you could use this ability to sell energy options back to the power company, and get new revenue from your building? What would that be worth to you?

What if you had an intelligent buildng? What would that be worth to you?