Quick Update from Connectivity Week

This is a quick post to share the most important phrase of the day.

In one of this monrning's plenary sessipons, Peter Kelly-Detwiler (or PKD as I have learned he s referred to) uttered the phrase "Option Call on the customer". Wow.

Peter is with Constellation Energy.  As they manage power for their customers, they have to negotiate hour by hour, minute by minute, where is the power coming from. THey always have a portfolio of power, and know the expensive dirty power sources they may need to buy power from. In other words, they are always tracking where there next kilowatt/hour of energy may be coming from, where they may need to place an option call.

 Often the greenest call may be a load shedding request from one of their customers, But he doesnt look on this as load shedding, he looks at this as givining him back energy that he can re-sell elsewhere. In other words, each load shed event is, to him, equivalent to power production. And he may need an option to buy power production.

An Option Call on the customer.

 More later, as the conference is proceeding, but this is good stuff.