Michael Tardif has been writing a seies of articles for the AIA magazine on moving toward using Building Information Moddelling (BIM) in the practice of architecture. While NBIMS is more than BIM, BIM is a very important part of NBIMS. Michaels work explains to architects why they should move to BIM. If architects move to BIM, we can leverage NBIMS to create, for example, design-based energy models that are intrinsically lined to the design, expressed as BIM. If the building is bult to the BIM, we should be able to commission the builsding to the original energy model.
And so on.
His most recent article describes the work work that OLBN Architectural Services, Inc. has completed for the GSA in support of a Program Development Study for the a former hospital campus in Washington, D.C. that is slated to become the future home of a U.S. cabinet department.
Leveraging BIMformation
Below are his previous articles in the series. If you are new to BIM, and do not understand the buzz, I recommend reading them all.
October 27, 2006
Faith-based BIM
December 1, 2006
BIM Me Up, Scotty
January 5, 2007
BIM 2011: A Five-Year Forecast
February 2, 2007
Fox Architects Takes the Plunge
March 3, 2007
One Hundred Percent BIM
April 6, 2007
Converging Technologies
Toby says "Check it out !"
Definitely worth a look