Next week at this time, I will be speaking at Connectivity Week ( in Chicago. Monday night, I will get to see my daughter who attend the UofC. Tuesday I will be talking about oBIX, both from a standards perspective, and from an operations perspective. Thursday I will speak about Security systems (from an IT, not a physical security) perspective and on business models for GridWise.
I always like speaking. I always learn twice as much from the podium as I ever would in the audience. The many perspectives that people bring are stimulating.
I will be talking, of course, on the state of oBIX. Committee members know what I have to say. Others may have to wait. I will say, though, that I am hearing reports of 50-60 downloads of the open source oBIX project per month.
The best part of the standards updates session should be not me, but the presentation from NBIMS NBIMS is an effort to standardize building design and construction information to create an integrated data life cycle over the entire existence of a capital asset. It offers lots of nice goodies to the embedded systems world, including energy models directly out of the design, automated same-day code compliance, commissioning standards integral to the design, and so on.
The security portion of the conference will be be interesting. There are several speakers with a much deeper concept of security than one can find in siloed control systems. I will be talking of the Liberty Alliance models for federated identity management systems that grow to national size. I do not know the other speakers, but their resumes look interesting.
I recommend that embedded system guys look into GridWise during any spare moments. Some of you know that oBIX fit perfectly with what I was writing about before I discovered oBIX at BuilConn. In my mind, projects like GridWise were why I was writing on service enabling building systems. GridWise hopes to create open market structure that enable rapid innovation within power distribution, generation, and use within North America. This will happen by creating a distributed management system, driven by end users, on the scale of the internet.
When that is all done, CABA is having their symposium on the roadmap to the Intelligent Building on Friday.
It should be fun.