System Architecture

ESIF and Security at the Edge of Smart Grids

I attended the NREL ESIF Cybersecurity Workshop last month. ESIF names the Energy Systems Integration Facility. The workshop demonstrated both what should be done to secure future energy systems, and how difficult, labor intensive, and non-scalable this is using standard practice.

The first morning showed off the ESIF’s model of how to secure the un-securable.

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Architectural Principals of Transactive Energy

Transactive energy describes a pattern of integration where parties exchange the value or a commodity resource [power] over time and make forward commitments to sell or purchase that commodity. The Common Transactive Services (CTS) can be used in central auction-type systems, where a single entity announces or broadcasts prices or in markets were two or more parties come to a mutual agreement on price and delivery.

All forward transactions are committed, that is one party commits...

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Fractal Energy: Galvin Perfect Power Updated

One of the most influential insights into smart energy was defined by Robert Galvin in his vision for Perfect Power. Perfect Power turned the vision for the grid upside down, with each facility and each home responsible for its own power, acting as microgrids. These building-based microgrids would interact with their nearby peers, to gain resilience in operation and quality of supply across a neighborhood. Groups of neighborhoods would then interact at a larger scale. The Galvin Project promulgated the vision of Perfect Power, reliable, efficient, without single points of failure—and eventually the best way to incorporate distributed energy resources (DER) into the power supply.

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IOT Apps and Competition for Resources in Seattle

Tomorrow I am talking about a Resource Framework for the Internet of Things (IoT) at the summit of the AllSeen Alliance. Traditional consumer programming has concerned itself with only a few resources, i.e., RAM (memory), storage (disk space), and communication (network speed). These programs live atop operating systems and device drivers that engage directly with physical things. Third-wave Apps in the IoT, though, deal directly with resources....
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