
Underpinnings for standardizing Demand Response (DR)

For decades, regulated electricity markets have struggled to deal with volatile energy markets providing to support un-caring customers. Customer’s real-time purchases, called load by the electricity industry, vary throughout the day, and more to the point, co-vary with external events. These issues are not limited to electricity. The “Super-Bowl flush”, which has reached the status of urban legend, names the stresses placed on urban waste water systems as external events synchronize demand.

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Smart Buildings & Smart Energy: the Integration Challenge

Last week, twenty of us gathered in DC for a two-day charrette on the standards needed to apply BIM to the problems of dynamic energy management. The work-shop, entitled “Smart Buildings, Smart Energy”, was put on by the Corps of Engineers Research Lab (CERL) at the National Insitute for Building Science (NIBS). The meeting was a fascinating, and occasionally heated conversation that brought together academic and government researchers, building system practitioners from industry leading companies, and participants in standards committees from ASHRAE to OASIS. It was a fascinating meeting, filled with bright, deeply focused individuals who as a group had not yet recognized the profound changes in their goals required by smart energy...

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Doing things at the right time

I have been writing too much elsewhere to write as much as I’d like here recently. WS-Calendar, EMIX, and EnergyInterop all have drafts out for comments this week. Standards specifications require a lot of coordination to get into publication.

Last Sunday, the WS-Calendar Technical Committee released a draft for comments. This is a small component among standards, but one that can help integrate building systems into the businesses that...

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Punch and Judy and Energy Usage

The collection and display of energy usage information is a hotly contested area of smart energy standards. This small, seemingly obvious issue has generated more fights than all other issues, and more open political involvement. One model sees the utility collecting energy usage information and sharing that information later the customer or his designees. The other model sees the meter as an information appliance on the premises, just one of a number of real time information sources for demand side management.

For now, visibility is all. Up-to-the-hour energy...

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