Distributed Energy

NERC and Utilities Commissions are unintentionally hindering Distributed Energy Adoption

For significant use of distributed energy to arrive, it must be managed and used locally first, the variability and storage managed locally, and only then traded with others. This mode of operations is termed a microgrid. Legacy business models that assume irresponsible end nodes require direct control of energy distributed in residences. Commercial sites are treated as bulk generators subject to NERC regulations that require months of filings for each configuration change. It is time for a new regulatory and operational model.

The microgrid model lends itself recursion....

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Making New Homes ready for Smart Energy

Smart energy names the techniques and technologies needed to manage energy flows and energy supply and demand when energy generation and energy storage are as distributed as energy consumption is today. Grid assets are managed by central control. This only works so long as the assets are central and the assets are centrally owned. Distributed assets should have distributed ownership. We must turn the centralized model on its head. Smart energy manages from the edges, not from the center. Smart energy treats homes and commercial buildings as microgrids responsible for their own power.
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