Every school in the country rushed to do something, anything in the aftermath. Campus police chiefs were instructed to make a decision now, without waiting to ...
Do we really need "IP Everywhere" in the smart grid?
Schedules for Things and Markets
Yesterday, I sat in on the final day of the Calendaring and Scheduling Consortium's semiannual conference (www.CalConnect.org). CalConnect is a consortium that promotes interoperability between dissimilar calendaring and scheduling systems. I was there to scout out their just unveiled xml serialization of ICalendar. I think we will use it a lot in buildings and on the smart grid.
The Impulse to Run Around Naked
We were discussing the proposed Energy Market Information Exchange (EMIE) Technical Committee last week when a participant asked "What’s wrong with having devices communicate in their own native languages and over their most optimal media?"
At its heart, this query is a request to let first costs equipment trump all other concerns. It ignores cost of ownership. It ignores the costs of security. It even ignores initial integration costs. It is a naïve plea for a simpler world.
When they were young, I remember my children regularly escaping after the evening bath and scampering through the house.