Smart Grid

Transactive Energy and Little White Lies

As I head off to the second smart grid interim roadmap workshop (whew – that’s a lot of pairs) I think back to one of the participants in the Business and Policy track that I led with Lynne Kiesling. Several members, bunched together in the participants, were from the Edison Electric Institute, the association of share holder owned utilities. They peppered us with detailed questions and countered transactive smart grid scenarios with valid objections. It was on the second day, however, that I recognized the thought behind many of their concerns. They feel that they are asked to subsidize pretend transactions...

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We need a BIM Lite

Every week I encounter another project which would be simpler if we had a light-weight three dimensional BIM standard. BIM (Building Information Model) is a family of data standard models that fit together to describe every aspect of the design and construction of buildings. The sexiest member of this family is the Building Model, the 3D representation of the space itself. Today, BIM does little for the operation of a building or for providing tenant services. For this we are going to need a BIM Light.

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Smoke Signals from the Energy Architecture workshop

I am not at the smart grid high level architecture workshop this week as Southern California Edison. Its members may be sworn to secrecy, or exhausted from long work, but are letting nothing out. The mere fact they are meeting, though, has caused numerous others to discuss the interface between the building/home/industry and grid, what we are starting to cal X2G.

Three of the most prominent pre-standard specifications...

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The Smart Grid is Not Faster RTUs

There is a growing awareness of cybersecurity for SCADA systems, one that has not, as of yet, brought anything like real security to SCADA in the power grid. SCADA (System Control And Data Acquisition) refers to the processes used for central control and operation of our biggest process systems. Process systems in this case include the distribution systems used for the electric grid and for water distribution systems: large not-very intelligent systems. I say not very intelligent because the often use a model in which each node is dumb as a thumb tack, and nearly as secure.
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